Day 1 . Introduction to Guidelines and Standards
• Overview of the ABE Guidance and Guidelines in Relation to Children Giving Evidence in Family Proceedings, provisions and special measures.
• Categories of abuse including criminal and sexual exploitation, modern slavery offences and trafficking, standards of evidence.
• Reasons for children not wanting to, or unable to disclose.
• Joint working issues and information sharing
Day 2. Trauma Informed Practice
• Patterns of perpetrator behaviour and the dynamics of the abusive relationship
• The impact of trauma
• Interviewing children with special needs
• Role of the Intermediary: Pre-interview assessment, interview and Giving Evidence
Day 3. Planning The Interview
• Comparing the Criminal and Civil systems and requirements
• Standards of proof
• Structure of the interview: The interview plan, phases of the interview, Evaluation
• Presentation of evidence and applications for “Special Measures” (comparing the civil and criminal requirements)
Day 4 Conducting the Interview
• Practical day with feedback
Day 5 Conducting the Interview and Evaluation
• Practical day with feedback
• Review and reflection on the process and impact of conducting investigative interviews.